Wednesday, June 28, 2017


I was reading in Ecclesiastes 2, where it talks about the writer's (Solomon's) quest for meaning in life. I think everyone has a similar search in life. We each want to find a place in life and be recognized for it. The chapter outlines many things Solomon did in his search for meaning: vineyards, gardens, pools, servants, singers, musical instruments, entertainments, power, almost anything we could imagine. Yet, verse 11 says "Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of the spirit, and there was no profit under the sun." This verse can be taken a number of ways. You can take it as meaning there is no point in living, working, and trying to make your life enjoyable, but I believe that's the wrong interpretation. Instead, the chapter highlights the emptiness of earthly accomplishments and treasures.

The human soul longs for more than the things of earth. Solomon realized that none of his feats or "things" gave him the true pleasure and satisfaction he desired. I also don't believe this chapter condemns planting vineyards, listening to music, or working towards a successful life. Yet, it underscores the need for God, and placing Him before all of those earthly goals. I know for me, personally, there are many things I enjoy doing. But, I've found they don't bring the true joy that comes from serving the Lord. Historically speaking, Solomon was right. Virtually nothing remains of his architectural achievements at the time. When we place too much value on the things of the world, we lose sight of what really matters, and what really brings satisfaction. It's a constant struggle with all of the entertainments of the world vying for our attention and time. It's hard to do, but we need to put that time and attention towards things for God, that carry the weight of an eternal award, not one that will last only our time on earth. Later in the chapter, verse 16, it says "And how dieth the wise man? as the fool." We all face the judgment, regardless of what we were like on earth. If we placed too much value on earthly things, we'll find ourselves lacking in the eternal things. And there is a promise from God that if we appropriately allocate our time and do the things He wants us to do, we will receive His blessings. Verse 26 says "For God giveth to a man that is good in His sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy." I know I've struggled with doing things I think are important, but are not so important to God, and I'm sure others have, too. I want God to be able to use me in the way HE wants, not in the ways that seem to fulfill my flesh.

Yet, just because this passage reveals the emptiness of earthly pursuits, that doesn’t mean our life here is entirely meaningless. God wants us to enjoy our time here and make the most of it. We just have to make sure our priority is in doing His will first. In fact, in chapter 11 verse 9 it says “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and walk in the ways of thine heart, and in the sight of thine eyes: but know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into judgment.” God gave us the gift of life to enjoy. Yet, we will be brought to judgment for those things we do. That’s why the things we do on earth must be wholesome and pleasing to God. There is definitely a balance. God wants us to serve Him above everything else, but He also wants us to have an enjoyable life.

Keep encouraged!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Greatly Blessed, Highly Favored

I was privileged to be able to be in Guthrie, OK for the entirety of the campmeeting. It was so encouraging and helpful to me, and I'm so glad I was able to be there. I have been through a lot of tough things lately, and I greatly needed some time for spiritual growth. There were many challenging messages, but I don't have time to talk about them all. I'll write about a couple of the ones that were most impactful to me.

We also had some very good young peoples meetings. Several of the older saints shared their testimonies of how they found God despite bad circumstances in their home lives or how they had chosen the wrong path. It was such a challenge to me to realize how blessed I am to have the raising I've had in the church. Not everyone has the teaching and instruction I have been blessed with for my entire life. It's not something to take lightly. We were given a pearl of great price, and we can't give that up for the heartbreak that is in the world around us.

My favorite message was one Bro. Michael Smith preached about going back to Bethel. God met Jacob in Bethel, and later on, when times were hard again, Jacob had to go back to the place God had met him and helped him. For me, especially because of growing up in the church, I have felt God's presence and His dealings with me. But the cares of life get in the way and often times I find myself drifting away from the source of life. I need renewal, restoration, and revival. We have to make sure we are living right and sinch it down. That message was such a stirring and challenging message to me. I knew there were areas of my life that really needed work, and I thank God for His mercy and help.

The next morning, God gave me a scripture, 2 Thessalonians 3:3 -
"But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil."
Not only is God faithful to us in helping us become established and ready, He has grace and power to keep us from wrong. God will always be right there after we seek His guidance and help. Faithful means dependent, loyal, stedfast, and constant. Each time we have problems, He is consistent to be there to help us and establish us -- to help us grow in areas we thought we couldn't. He'll anchor our feet on the rock and give us firmness in our battles. Over all of that, he has the keeping power to make us without spot and blameless before His judgment. We don't have to give in to sin and evil. God has grace and power over that. I am so very grateful for His revelation to me through that message and verse.

Another great message was also one of Bro. Michael's messages about the things we need to do. We all have a spiritual checklist with plenty of things on there that we need to do. Yet, many of them are neglected, which is one of the most dangerous problems in spiritual matters. At the end of our lives, our intentions will have no impact on what we did during our lives. Convenience for spiritual things is incredibly dangerous. A more convenient time for Felix and his salvation is never recorded in the Bible. If we pass the opportunities God grants us because the time isn't right for us, it may never be that way. Not only is salvation important, though, but specific issues in our individual lives are things we need to address. We have limited time on earth, and therefore limited time to get those things done. We have to deal with them because growth doesn't come from recognizing the need, it comes from the recognition coupled with prayer and seeking God. Saints have a lot of work to do after salvation. We have to perfect our vessel to be worthy unto Christ. It was very challenging for me. I know there are many shortcomings in my life and plenty of things I need to work on. I want to be active in fixing those things instead of letting them gather dust on a to-do list.

There were many more great messages, and I encourage you to listen to some if you weren't able to attend the meeting. It was such a great encouragement and help to me to realize God is for us, willing and able to help us, and with us every step of the way. Through these hardest months of my life, God has shown himself the strongest. Keep me in your prayers. :)

This song has been a real encouragement to me as well. We have a privilege to take all of our needs and desires to the One who controls everything:

Keep encouraged!