Tuesday, November 14, 2017


The life of a Christian is not always easy. There are times we are on top of the mountain and life is wonderful, happy, and easy. But getting to the top of a mountain takes a climb, and those climbs are sometimes very difficult trials of our faith, strength, and endurance.

On the physical side, climbing a mountain is typically taxing on our bodies. It takes effort we are not accustomed to exerting. On the spiritual side, the trial of climbing a mountain can touch a sensitive part of our lives where we have to submit something to God we thought we could handle ourselves. There might be something of ominous proportion standing in our way. Thank God we have His strength to help us conquer those mountains and reach the victory.

The Lord has been talking to me recently about these mountains and the trials that they are. Our goal that waits on the final peak is an everlasting inheritance. It is a reward that far exceedeth anything on earth. We are climbing "To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven..." (I Peter 1:4). It is well worth the trouble here to gain the prize that awaits there. Yet, we don't go on our own strength. God doesn't expect us, in our humanity, to qualify for that prize. Instead, "We are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." (I Peter 1:5). God's saving, keeping grace is our remedy. Our sinful, natural man is conquered by a repentant heart and God's grace. We "who are kept" are defended. Believers are guarded by Christ and kept in His watchful care. This gives us an unfailing hope. As verse 6 says, "Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations." This shows us that we will indeed face trials; there will be times where our strength and endurance is tested. The climb will be steep. But, we have cause to rejoice, even in those difficult times! They are only for a season. Our pilgrimage here below is such a small time, a vapor, in comparison to heaven.

But we have cause for rejoicing even on earth, not just because of the hope of heaven. Verse 7 says, "That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ." Just as gold has to be purged, we likewise have to face trials of our faith. However, gold eventually perisheth, we don't. Genuine faith is proved by adversities. We become stronger and more capable as we face new things. Not only do we prove to God our willingness to serve Him, we prove to ourselves the strength God has for us to press on amidst hardships. In my own life, I have found that my greatest victories come out of the deepest, darkest times of my life. I am very encouraged to know that God is there to help us fight our battles, and invigorated by the fact that through our weakness comes a strengthening only God can give, an ability to move onward and upward.

God recognizes our condition. He knows how much we are able to bear. He understands when life becomes pressing and we lose strength. In Jeremiah 31:25, He reminds us "For I have satiated the weary soul, and I have replenished every sorrowful soul." Satiate means, essentially, to satisfy. He has satisfied my soul that is weary, and replenished my soul that is sorrowful. We we don't feel like we have enough from Him, He replenishes us. When we feel like we are weary from the climb, He satisfies and renews us with strength. It's also important to remember that in facing these trials and conquering the mountains they are, it's not always a quick process. We have to take it step by step. The most important part is to not quit and keep going. Even if it feels like we'll never get there, keep moving forward. God doesn't always reveal everything to us immediately. We have to keep consecrating things, submitting ourselves to His will.

Life can definitely be hard. But living for God is the greatest life possible. It gives us hope when life gets us down. I am learning how trials come, but have the ability to make or break us in our spiritual walk. I want them to make me a better person and a more devoted follower of Christ. In faith, in deed, and in any way possible, I want to become stronger by the hard things God puts in our lives. I'm thankful for His faithful care for us and giving us His Word to teach us, people to help us, and His Spirit to guide us in all things. Pray for me that I will continue to conquer mountains in my own life and learn the lessons God has for me in the trials I face.

Keep encouraged!