From Damar Randle:
I thank the Lord for his blessings unto me! I was able to get away from work and attend the Fresno Campmeeting and I can say, I am full. There was a lot of Spiritual Food laid out and I did partake. The Lord was faithful to meet me several times at the altar and I'm grateful for that.
One message I heard preached that really stuck to me was preached by Bro. Paul titled "Perseverance". He spoke on what it means for us to persevere. One of the things mentioned was that we must put forth an effort to reach our goal. To press on in spite of what is around us.
Putting forth effort is not an easy task. I remember all the work I put in as a runner in high school, long, hot, dreadful hours, yet I did it daily. The Lord has convicted me before as I've studied for school. He has pointed out that I don't put forth the effort in reading his word as I do school. The degree I'll get will only be good for 40 or 50 years and then I'm unable to put it to good use, whereas the things we learn through studying his word will last an eternity.
I have been dealt with time and time again along this line and can say firmly, I don't want to be found in this place again. Studying his word is important. The Apostle Paul charged Timothy to
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim 2:15. I can spend a good amount of time with friends, online, studying, sleeping, working or whatever yet none of it will matter. Time spent without eternal value, is time wasted.
It is my desire to persevere and put forth an "I mean to go right on" effort until my crown is won.